H20 apartman

  • Budapest
  • Újlipótváros
  • Margitsziget

Margaret Island

Margaret Island is the green heart of Budapest, and one of my favorite places. An island of peace and calm among the busy buzz of the city. Aside from a handful of hotels and sport facilities, the island is solely a huge, green park filled with beautiful trees and walking paths. If you have time, by all means visit the island, and lie down in the cool green grass under the lush foliage. Or enjoy a more active afternoon filled with frisbees, jogging, or swimming at one of the pools. Or, after dark, be sure and enjoy the spectacular music and water show, where a variety of music (from Mozart to the Rolling Stones) accompanies the “dancing” fountains. 

Continuing on foot, we can be hypnotized by the beautiful colors of the Garden of Light. In the central part of the island, we find the open-air theatre, where a variety of concerts and cultural programs await visitors. Also found in this area is the Water Tower which offers both a panoramic viewpoint and an exhibition space.  

Arriving to the far end of the island (nearby Árpád Bridge), we find a small slice of heaven on Earth: the Japanese Garden, an exceptional, calm area for relaxation. 

The attractive shrubbery, stones, statues, water lilies, and breathtaking use of water offer perfect harmony to all visitors. The “Musical Well”  is also found here, which bursts into a different medieval Hungarian song hourly. With the exception of the winter months, drinking water also flows from the well. There are actually 2 “Musical Wells” on the island, the other can be found at the southern end of the island (nearby the Margret Bridge). 

If you are looking for more active relaxation, a 5.3 kilometer (1/8 marathon) running-track circles the edge of the island. It’s an unforgettable experience to run this track in the morning, the air filled with birdsong and sunlight glimmering on the Danube, all right in the center of the city and in the vicinity of our apartment! 

At the southern end of the island, you can find the Alfréd Hajós Swimming Pool, home to many world championships, it is open to the public, dive in! Just down the road, the Palatinus Baths remains an extremely popular choice with locals looking to beat the summer heat. 

Also consider renting a carriage (popular choice with small groups, be surer you are ready to pedal!), an electric scooter, or traditional bicycle. If you find yourself tired from exploring, you can even take a train around the island! 🙂

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